When a people, a tribe, a culture is colonized it takes many forms. Many of our battles today are about the loss of our ancestral lands, lands that in the case of most of cultures we never owned, because how can a human own land? It is old and wise and we are like children. Even those who say they own it only live on it for short period, they pass on and it remains.
While we may have been killed caste out, put in reservations or driven to distant lands are we still not who we are?. We are the children of our parents the descendents of those who walked this world before us?.
Many of us no longer practice the ways of our ancestors and our children see no future, no power and no point in our traditional ways. Our languages, which are the very breath of our ancestors, are left to slowly die. Our views, ways of thinking are left behind for the ways of the 'western world' with its promise of a better life easier life. Yet for all these promises are we happy? . Alcoholism, drug addiction, child abuse, fighting, murder and suicide stalk our people.
The world of no tribe, of no roots of no family has no happiness, yet we are pulled to it like children to candy. It is sweet but it contains no sustenance. Those of us in our tribes and cultures who talk about being great again, are often mistrusted and misunderstood by our own people and own governments many of which have, in practice if not in name, moved away from our traditions
We must trust ourselves, become new warriors, women and men who put our people first and in so doing respect all people. Hard work, courage, compassion and love are our weapons. We face many difficult battles. Reclaiming our names, our spirit, our language. We need to put learning at the center of what we do, not just reading and writing as the western world, but also learn the knowledge of humanity and spirit that comes from examining ourselves and the life of the world around us.
Make a start in your life, one step, do not fear ridicule that says that thinking in the old ways is embarrassing. Believe in your journey, believe in your ancestors, believe in your people, even if they have forgotten how to believe. I does not matter what culture you come from, we all come from the same place, trust in your ancestors and reconnect with their goodness for the sake of those yet to come.
May your journey be a great one.